Brisbane Scuba is very pleased to be participating in the Grey Nurse Shark Census to be conducted along Australia’s East Coast… . This Grey Nurse Census is being organised by Valerie Taylor, Tina Dalton, Captain Gordon Scott and several others in association with the Ocean Lovers Festival (scheduled 15-19 March 2023 @ Bondi Beach) .

This census, will provide a “snap shot” of numbers at known aggregation sites along Australia’s eastern coast on a given date and aims to help raise the profile of the Grey Nurse Shark with the public and begin to highlight the serious trouble they are facing as a result of government inaction and ineffectual protection, management and research.
As a part of our participation in this project , Brisbane Scuba have created a video of some of the Grey Nurse sharks that we encountered over the last year (Grey Nurses typically show up in Brisbane waters during winter months – May to September). This promo video will be shown at the Ocean Lovers Festival during March 2023.